Toprol 10W-30 is a premium 4-Stroke motorcycle engine oil. It is formulated with ADVANCED ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY, engineered to provide superior protection and superior performance even under extreme conditions.
Superior performance and smooth ride by active prevention of friction
Superior protection of gears during frequent gear changes
Prevention of clutch slippage at start up and at varying speeds
Specially formulated premium 10W-30 oil for new generation 4-stroke motorcycles.
Recommended for Honda, Bajaj / Kawasaki, TVS, Yamaha & Suzuki
Viscometrics – SAE 10W-30.
Exceeds JASO MA2 and API SN (SEQ IIIG for Oxidation, SEQ IIIGA for aged oil low temperature viscosity performance, SEQ VG for engine sludge and varnish, SEQ VIII for bearing wear, SEQ IVA for valve train wear, ball rust test for rusting) performance levels.