EP-90 GEAR CARE premium quality extreme pressure gear lubricating oils solvent refined aving high viscosity index with extremely goods oxidation stability. There oils are blended with selected extreme pressure additives to anti form anti ware and anti rust properties.
Koyo Gear Oil EP-90 is recommended for use in manval gear boxes of passenger care, commercial vehicles 4 construction equipments where the higher additive of a GL-5 oil would interfere with gear selection.
Excellent thermal and oxidation stability.
Free form suspended matter grit water or any other impurities.
Anti foaming and good film forming.
Smooth gear changing shifting and long drain period interval.
Anti rust anti corrosion anti oxidation excessive wear.
Kin viscosity sct@100’c: 16-18 Viscosity index: 90 Kin viscosity cst: -40’c Flash point (coc)’c min: 220 Pour point ‘c max: -9 Copper corrosion @ 100’c/3hrs: 10 Visual appearance: GOLDEN